Tag Between Us Only!

A Sense of Deja Vu!

A Sense of Deja Vu!

In Remembrances! Launch of Book One – 10 years ago!


E - Between Us Only!13 Majid Books

Book One – Between Us Only!

An author in search of   values and ethics  

Oman Daily Observer –   Features Editor  

September 10 2005

Coverage – Between Us   Only   by Majid Said Nasser Al Suleimany   434 pages, Price RO 7    

The book is available   at Family Bookshop Turtle Bookshops    and all   leading bookshops in Oman /  Magrudy in   UAE    

Majid al Sulaimany is a well-read, witty and prolific writer who often   makes you laugh and sit up and think on ordinary but often neglected and not   so cared matters in the society. He also writes about social evils prevalent   in the society with a funny touch and lashes it with heavy blows. This unique   style and way we rarely find in other writers. His prose is simple and clear   and elegant.

The collection of his columns published in the Observer and some unpublished   ones appear in a book form — Between Us Only.     The title itself tells the reader the topics he talks about are not so sweet   many times, and many of the articles irritate somebody or other.     Since it is ‘between us only’ and whispered in to your ears he often talks   about matters which many are scared to touch. He talks about burning homes,   divorce, pride and prejudice, human suffering, human fears, social trends and   changes and people’s idiotic concerns to keep up with the Jonesses.

 As a human resources professional, in his essays Majid gives very important   and valuable tips and notes to company executives and chiefs.     Looking at the society’s craze for materialism and vanity the writer asks:   “What happened to the sanctity of marriage as the highest institution in our   lives according to our Islamic teachings — the Sunnah and the Hadith? Our   customs, traditions and heritage?”     Divorces are happening at the drop of a hat. So he advises “we need to impart   to our younger generations the sanctity and high importance of the   institution of marriage. The importance of patience, harmony, tolerance,   trust, faith, and confidence. This is in order to save our society for future   generations.”

In another article he asks: “What is this new ugly and unpleasant developments   now in our homes? This ‘domestic violence’ thing? Do we have an excuse for   this? The satellite dishes, and the foreign films and dramas that are beamed   to our homes? Or is that the new in-thing fashion now, the provocations and   ‘do not care stuff’ — followed by lifting of hand and beating out that poor   creature that bore you babies that you call your own and have made you proud   too? Do you consider the effect on the children? Hey, what is wrong with us   nowadays?”

In an advice to chief executive officers and managers the author reminds   “what happened to all the principles of treating staff with respect, with   utmost ethics, professionalism, kindness, cordial reception and courtesy?   Whether they are Omanis or others, people need to be treated properly and   with more esteem and respect.”

As a human resources consultant, Majid is giving valuable tips to job   applicants in his article “Applying for a job”. Some very important dos and   don’ts for the aspiring job seekers. “Send your application with jus Photostat   copies of your certificates and other documents.     “When you are called for an interview do not tremble and show fear and   worries. Remain cool, collected, calm and in control. “Never ask ‘how much   you will pay me’ until an offer has actually been made. “Prepare your CV   (maximum two typed pages only) and a covering letter (one page only) with   your application.

Majid’s “Between us Only” is a sincere attempt by a simple human being who   cherishes his culture and traditions, and wanted it to be preserved for the   coming generations. It is a labour of love with keen observation of the   society in the 21st century Arab world in particular. It also carries   warnings, resentments, fears and advises for all.


Book Review 

Between Us Only! Hits bookstalls. 

The Oman Daily Observer Book Review 

By A Staff Reporter 

Majid and Book (Photo) 

MUSCATMajid Said Nasser Al Suleimany’s recently released book Between Us Only! has now been launched at bookshops in Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

 In Oman, the 434-page book is available at Turtles Bookshop and Family Bookshop. Sponsored by MB Petroleum Services LLC of Mohamed Al Barwani, the book contains more than 84 articles that have appeared in the Author’s column in The Oman Daily Observer.

 Majid has a very interesting and straightforward way of putting things. For example, in one of the articles, Majid explains in a very lucid style that ‘The beauty of Oman is that the nationals do not impose their customs, habits, heritage, behavior and values on others. We make room for accommodation and acceptance, to give chances in errors of judgement and in perceptions. We are moderate and flexible. Ask an Omani a direction, if he is free, not only he will direct you to it, but even take you there!’

To elaborate further on this point, Majid shares a very interesting, short and real story about how he got a job in Abu Dhabi. The General Manager had travelled to Salalah and lost his way on the trip. He was not only shown the direction, but this was done after he was given a meal with his family by one Bedouin family! When this GM saw Majid in his Omani attire, he said – ‘No interview – just give him the job, let him start tomorrow! The panel thought he was joking but he was dead serious!

 Another interesting aspect of Majid’s writing style is that he can explain most burning complex and contemporary issues in a few sentences with unqualified clarity of thoughts.


Book Review

 The Write Stuff

 The Week – Issue 135 – October 2005.

 Our Correspondent

 The Week talks to Writer Majid Al Suleimany about his recently released book

 Between Us Only!

 Majid (Photo) Drawing on daily experiences.

 Human Resources Professional Majid Al Suleimany describes his recently released book Between Us Only!, a collection of columns he has written for The Oman Daily Observer as ‘messages to the people of Oman’. Using his personal experiences, Majid has written on a variety of issues like ‘Ignorance Is Bliss’, ‘The Tsunami Disaster’ and ‘Cynics and Sceptics’ among others.

 ‘I would like the Omani people to move ahead in the world while maintaining our traditional values. I hope to help in this process through my writing,’ Majid said. The Writer, who enjoys watching documentaries and reading about world politics, says that he writes mainly on socio-economic issues. ‘Since I am in the human resources field, I also like to provide pointers on topics on how to prepare their CV. I also write on articles in Management and Human Resources which might be of help to the Society – and working environment in particular’.

 Majid hopes more Omanis will begin writing in English. He said ‘It is very important to inculcate the reading habits in the youngsters and the children for our future. Parents and teachers have a huge role and responsibility in it. Schools should conduct essay competitions regularly so that children can improve skills in literacy, writing, reading and of expression. We need to improve fast and rapidly our generation reading habits in line with the global village and the rest of the world’ – he added.

The book is available in all bookshops in Oman and soon in UAE.


كاتب يبحث عن القيم والأخلاق

بيني وبينك فقط 

ماجد بن سعيد بن ناصر السليماني

434 صفحة ، السعر 9 ريال عماني

الكتاب متوفر بمكتب أف.دي.أس

متوفر أيضا بمكتبة العائلة وكافة المكتبات الرائدة بسلطنة عمان / والإمارات العربية المتحدة

 يتمتع الكاتب ماجد السليماني بالذكاء وغزارة الإنتاج وغالبا ما تجعلك كتاباته تضحك وتقف لتفكر في أمور مجهولة ولا يلقى لها اعتبار في المجتمع . كما أنه يكتب أيضا عن الآفات الإجتماعية السائدة في المجتمع بسخرية . إن هذه الطريقة المميزة في الكتابة نادرا ما نجدها في الكتاب الآخرين . كتاباته النثرية بسيطة وواضحة وأنيقة .

 لقد تم جمع اسهاماته المنشورة في الأوبسيرفر وتلك التي لم تنشر لتظهر في شكل الكتاب “بيني وبينك فقط ” .

 إن الاسم وحده يوحي للقارئ بأن المواضيع التي يتناولها الكاتب غير شيقة في جميع الأوقات حيث أن معظم المواضيع تؤذي شخصا ما أو آخر .

 وبما أن الكتاب “بيني وبينك فقط  ” هو همس في الأذن فإنه دائما يتحدث عن مواضيع يخاف الناس التحدث فيها . يتحدث عن الأسر المحترقة ، الطلاق ، الفخر والإعتزاز ، ومعانـاة البشر ، ومخاوف البشر ، والميول والمتغيرات الإجتماعية وحماقة البشر ,

 بما أنه متخصص في الموارد البشرية فإن الكاتب ماجد بن سليمان يمنح في مقالاته أولوية خاصة للرؤساء والتنفيذيين في الشركات .

 بالنظر إلى ولع المجتمع بالماديات وزخرف الحياة فإن الكاتب يتساءل ” ما ذا حدث لقداسة الزواج كمؤسسة ذات قيم عالية في حياتنا وفقا لتعاليمنـا الإسلامية – السنة والحديث ؟ عاداتنا وتقاليدنا وموروثاتنا ؟ .

يحدث الطلاق في لحظـات خاطفة عليه فإن الكاتب ينصح بأن يتم زرع القيم والقداسة وأهمية مؤسسة الزواج في أجيالنا الناشئة كما يتحدث أيضا عن أهمية الصبر ، والتحمل ، والتجانس ، والإخلاص والثقة .

 يتساءل الكاتب في موضع آخر (ما هذه التنمية الجديدة الرديئة في مجتمعاتنا ؟ ” وهذا العنف الأسري ” هل يوجد لنا عـذر في ذلك ؟ الأطباق الفضائية والأفلام الأجنبية والدراما التي تطل على الأسرة . أم هـذه هي الموضة الجديدة ، والغضب يليه رفع اليد وضرب هذا المخلوق الضعيف الذي أنجب الأطفال وجعلكم تشعرون أيضا بالفخر والاعتزاز ؟ هل تنظرون للآثار التي تترتب على ذلك في الأطفال ؟ انتبهوا – ماذا دهانا اليوم ؟ .


Observer BUO Press 2

BUO Observer Press 1

PDF Version


Wipe My Tears! Sample Article!

Front Wipe My Tears


http://www.createspace.com/4304972  – Direct Order

Images – Wipe My Tears!

B.01           Wipe My Tears!

 Sample Article – March 21, 2013

It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart – Mahatma Ghandi

I do not know if you have noticed this? The truth is – every time that you watch the television news – or even documentaries – you will find always someone crying – so desperately and heartedly – and the tears just flow! No one is wiping the tears – and even the Interviewer does not stop for the person to compose himself – or wipe his or her tears! It is very sad, tragic and pathetic – to unbelievable levels!

We are supposed to be human beings from the word humane – but though we may kid ourselves that we do care and feel – the truth is far from the distance. It is all a sham – a façade – all crocodile tears! Nothing less – nothing more! Our hearts and souls have turned to solid stone!


We bow, kneel and pray to the Almighty – but it is all just routine mundane stuff – if just following customs blindly – but there is nothing of real value and esteem in it! Perhaps we are naïve to think that God does not see what is in our hearts – forget our fellow human beings!

The other day I had gone to visit my sick and ailing younger brother in

hospital. We always complain of the smaller things in life – but we do not see the bigger picture – the real true picture. We may have many issues still to sort out – but where there is a meeting of the minds and a will determined to succeed – there will always be a way out of most things in life! That you can be sure of – in one way or the other!

It is a twist and turn of life – its foibles and out comings! Because here you decide to leave the country because you have decided to marry a foreign woman as your wife! Out of all the countries of the world – you choose a woman from a country that does not allow foreigners to own land or property. A place that you will pay heavily for your medical – even with medical insurance taken – simply because you are a foreigner! And that is one way of making quick money out of you! Especially when you are sick – and have to be hospitalised!

My younger brother – but he looks far more older than the rest of us all! Sicker also! He was complaining that he did not have water for the last 27 days – not even allowed to sip water! Thanks to those in our leadership – he was finally brought back home – after the family spending heavily on his medical treatment!

Yet we still moan and complain on the small trifle things in life – never happy – nor satisfied! We want more – give us! On seeing me – my brother was crying – and there were no tissues left in the box – seems he was crying all the time! So I gave him my clean tissues which I always carry with me! So I said to him – Let me wipe your tears! Welcome back home – my brother! A second time? Or was it a third time? I forget – important is that you are back home now!


Wipe My Tears! Image

I watch the television news. The refugee woman from Eritrea – and others from Darfur – she is crying – uncontrollably – nonstop! The tears drain down her face. The interviewer does not stop – at least to allow her to wipe her tears! Or compose herself first – before continuing! I wish I was there – because I would wipe her tears – or give her my clean tissues (and handkerchief!) with me! I would also want to ask her – What did you expect Madam?

These people have mistreated the ‘original owners’ of the land – what did you expect as a refugee – and an ‘illegal’ one too that entered the country through the back door! Did you not have freedom at home – even if hungry? Here you have no freedom and still hungry – and disgraced too on top! She was crying – My husband has been imprisoned – and my children are without! Perhaps she did not see in television so many tears and sad faces of the once who owned the land and property! They are in the land – yet crying too!

That is before other human beings from faraway places decided to move them out – to make space for their guilt of allowing the holocaust to take place – and over 6 million fellow human beings butchered and slaughtered in cold blood! Yet from the same people that are now making others cry – and wanting to preserve our ethnicity and originality imposed on others! How sad, tragic and pathetic human beings have become! Yet God still is graceful and patient – hearing his name being called in vain!

Then there is man in Mali. His hand had been chopped off – because he was suspected of stealing bread! Bread for my limb? By people determined to be more religious and observing to him – and he needed to be given a lesson! Then ‘non-believers of his sort’ come in – and the man is celebrating – to see the more observing ones being chased out to the mountains and valleys!

The woman is crying! Her husband has been killed in jail – because he threw stones at the occupiers! What if he was armed with a gun? What would his punishment have been? Even if you are in my house – my land? The East Africans say – Let him pass – the one with mightier strength! It is not a question of rights and ethics – it is just how strong you are – and where you derive your support from! The stronger the support – the more aggressive and bully you can be! Forget the rest!

Have you ever imagined this? The child is asking the mother – Why are those planes bombing us, Mummy? Are they enemy planes over our land? What does the Mother do in reply? Poor woman – she just cries! And it is the young child that now calms the mother – more braver and courageous now – Do not cry Mother! God will make those planes go away!

Because of the economy – no job – no takers! The one who lost her home? Her husband committed suicide in shame! She too is crying! Then the suicide bomber who believes he is on his way to heaven! He murders fellow believers – because he is more right and more perfect compared to others that have deviated – and need to be given a lesson of life for the deviation!


It is always the poor needy and desperate peoples that are used to kill fellow human beings that are also poor and needy like him! Puppets over a string! Those behind the scene – the schemers and the plotters – no one sees them – except of course God – and the punishment on earth – the punishment of the grave – and eternal fire and damnation!


Then I watch the television news in the other places – the earthquakes – the floods – collapsed buildings – the rampage killings and destructions of innocent lives – including children and women – the destructions from falling missiles – and the slaughter of even babies and children – from the weapons coming out from the sky!

The ironical and sad part is the person who has directed the onslaughts goes home in peace and comfort to his family – his wife and children – whilst killing of the other families and children – is just ‘carrying out orders – and doing one’s job’! Human beings are sickening – and worse than even the animals at their worst case scenarios!

Then there are the demonstrations for jobs – looking for jobs – afraid of losing jobs and benefits – looking for ‘more

money’ – lost incomes, investments, savings and pensions. So many stories of once nice decent good peoples – now on bad times – and of such same people committing or tempting to commit suicides – because they have lost everything – and life is not worth living anymore!


Reminds me decades ago of a relative girl with a son – who called me in desperation – saying she was contemplating suicide – because she was ‘not happy in marriage and her husband – and husband family’ – but I did not take it seriously then – till I learnt the hard way too late that she actually did it!

And all the time listening to ‘the inner voice’ of do not get involved – or the involvement could turn more serious and sour too!


Whatever belief and religion you have – the fundamental and basic teachings and preaching are the very same – because subduing, violence, brutality and aggressive methods and styles solve nothing – as the programmes show! Past incidents of over 20 years come out in the open again – and again from time to time – ever again! Like I always say – the very same things – and sometimes the repetition just becomes stifling, mundane and boring!

Basically, we human beings have the same needs, worries, concerns and fears – as well as what we like and do not like!

This is because the human being is essentially the same – regardless of race, creed, religion, color, ancestry, and ethnicity! And always stressing the need for change in a way and will that will foster more patience, tolerance, and understanding – between people, society and nations!

Like my good Indian friend says – something in Hindi – I forget – Karma and the other word – but something like ‘just desserts (sweet)’ coming to those that deserve it – and or as our good friends the Brits say – what goes around; comes around! Or the East African one – If you destroy someone’s house – your house will also be destroyed in due process! Sometimes after you have conveniently forgotten too! There is also this tell-tale sign of the end of the world – when somebody dies – and you feel jealous that it was not ‘you that had died instead’!

Please wipe my tears! 

Image – Wipe My Tears! 


Wipe My Tears!  www.majidall.com

More information and details in my book sites at www.myown-ebooks.com and www.majidbooks.com 

Also new one at www.myownmajid.com

http://www.createspace.com/4304972  – Direct Order


Book Review – Wipe My Tears!

Front Wipe My Tears

A book that kindles soul-searching!

Book Review – Culture Features – The Oman Daily Observer

Tuesday 22nd, October 2013 / 17:55

Written by Oman Observer in Culture


Wipe My Tears! — Between Us Only!has been adapted from Majid Al Suleimany’s successful newspaper columns in Oman Daily Observer. Utilising the very best touching stories and articles from the columns that he has penned over the past four years, Al Suleimany touches on a wide variety of vital and riveting topics. The subject matter will be of interest to everyone from teenagers to grandparents — and from the clerks to the CEOs. The book focuses on the study of humanity, human needs, human interaction, society, and economics, as well as other areas. In fact, the author covers all socio-economic-political aspects of society, with an emphasis on working environments such as office space.

The author also addresses society as a whole, and the dire repercussions and consequences of bad ideas and thoughts that can be harmful to society in the broadest sense. Though many topics apply to Oman and GCC countries, the collection of columns organised by Al Suleimany offers a universal appeal because, in his view, society and family are quite similar.

According to the author, “We have the same needs, worries, concerns and fears — as well as what we like and do not like. This is because the human being is essentially the same — regardless of race, creed, religion, colour, ancestry, and ethnicity!” The book will encourage soul-searching, deep analysis, and a quest to make the world a better place. It has been penned directly from the heart of the author to the reader. It carries many emotional personal family stories and encounters — including work experiences as a highly-qualified human resources management consultant.

The book moves quickly, advancing without boundaries, and is careful never to get bogged down in politics. While critical, the writings are also realistic and practical, and stress the need in society for change in a way that will foster more patience, tolerance, and understanding. The author, through his writings, offers up a tome that is part prayer and part preaching, desperately hoping for a change in the world that will produce a new and more positive direction.

“Live and let live in peace, harmony, and co-existence,” is Al Suleimany’s mantra. States the author, “We have the same needs, worries, concerns and fears, as well as what we like and do not like. This is because the human being is the same regardless of race, creed, religion, color, ancestry, and ethnicity!” The book will encourage soul-searching, analysis, and a quest to make the world a better place. The writings are realistic and practical, and stress the need in society for change in a way that will foster more patience, tolerance, and understanding — as well as how to live with others in the world.

For Direct Ordering & More Details


Book Website –


The ‘Sealed Fates’ in Life!

Workers 3

For Sunday September 15th 2013

Between Us Only!

The ‘Sealed Fates’ in Life!

After more than 10 years from the last time I had visited – this week I had the pleasure and the privilege to visit again The Oman Daily Observer Offices and meet some of my new – and the usual old friends there! In my first visit – I was being interviewed for the start of the ‘infamous’ column titled Between Us Only!

It is a wonder and strange thing to notice that many of the people we meet nowadays seem to have so aged – and are so tired and forlorn – as if they have learnt to ‘give up and just accept their fate’ – and that there is simply nothing that they can do now to look at things anew and afresh – change their path – but to go on as before! Nothing has changed that much! Human nature and habits are just like that – and nothing has gone amiss!

Workers 1

Images Workers – For Demonstration Purposes Only!

I look at the newspaper delivery boy. I ask him how many years he has been doing the same job – day in and day out – and whether he has any other plans for his remaining days on earth? He retorts – sadly and sarcastically – What else can I do but sell newspapers? He continues – Even I had to learn how to drive a motorcycle first before I could do the job! I have had my limbs broken twice by a car hitting me from behind – because the way people drive – they just cannot accept a motor cycle to occupy the ‘space of a car’ in front of them! So the many cases when he had to pull sharply right – for safety’s sake!

I had my hair cut at the saloon. Here is another profession. All he knows is to cut hair – since a young man at 16. 30 years later he is still cutting hair – but not in his country – but in a different country! Even here he has to fight to keep his job – with constant checks and inspections. Yet they still want the jobs for their own young men – but there are no takers! Though you would think that people would be happy that there is someone out there that is ‘willing and keen’ to do the job even! The same case for the sandwich (shawarma) boy! The drivers – especially the heavy duty ones! The mechanics! The Municipality cleaners! You name it!

Workers 2

Images Workers – For Demonstration Purposes Only!

But it is not only the expatriates – it is the locals too! The same clerks, PROs, the secretaries, the bank staff, the drilling jobs, the stewards and stewardess, the airline crews – you name it! Not all of them can get ‘lucky breaks’ in life – like the admin clerk I know who looked that smart, intelligent and promising – and picked out to go for an academic course overseas – takes engineering – and becomes an Engineering Director! Those he had left behind have also moved forward – but the luckier ones to an officer or supervisor level at the most! Suppose the said clerk had refused to go for the course – would he have remained in the same lots – or would still fate tempt him to a faster lane – in another route? Your guess is as good as mine!

My Literature Teacher in Secondary School in Tanzania – that pretty Miss F – then and probably is still – told me – M – Life is like a drama. You are given a role in it – and all you can do is play your cast well! She had a thing for me – she liked me a lot! Years later after I had left the place – she had returned back home to Goa India! I was just wondering out loud what she would be doing back at returning home – even if married now – if not only as a Teacher?

I had a working peer sitting opposite me in the oil company then. Every pay day he would come to my office and lament – this salary is just not enough! Smart I would retort – Be thankful – there are people out there that are receiving far less in life – and some not at all. He even suggested we go into business together – but the idea of business just scared me then!

I should have stayed with my gut feelings – and had never gone into business – and ended going bust! But my friend made it – he became rich and successful! Those he left behind? Of course they moved up too – 2 or 3 job levels up! The great man has even offered jobs to the same peoples – even those who were ‘more senior to him’ at the job front!

What do you say to the ‘bus driver’ who has ended up to be a President of a country – after entering politics? Or the boat man? Or Great Late Margaret Thatcher – drawing attention to herself – ‘that she was just a shopkeeper’s daughter’!

Yet still – in one of my local flights in that distant place – I had met the ex President – no longer in high position – though there were 1 or 2 people ‘still looking after him’. Maybe I was staring at him too much – so he smiled and came over to me! Believe me – him coming to me? I think I was bumbling and getting confused – because this was the same ‘personality’ that we stood on the road sides cheering students as his motorcade went past! Now we were in the same flight – all the seats were economy class! So many cases like him – no longer in high offices of power! Simple people back again!

The other day in the Masjid (Mosque) – I went to greet this great ex high profile personality – now a simple person!. So I said to him – I guess you will not remember me? But you had given our family a good and great picnic meal one time! I tried to remind him. The good tired forlorn man looked at me with sad eyes – You remember a meal? I did greater things to others – they do not even bother to even speak to me – let alone come and greet me like you did. So I should say Thank You – Not you!

As the Brits say – that is how the cookie crumbles! Or the great words of Miss F – and there is nothing more that you can do about it! You are telling me? Remember me? I did try – but sometimes you just have to accept that ‘your fate is sealed in life’ – if even moving to writing as a substitute – can be called that too!

Take Care!

By: Majid Al-Suleimany

Date – September 13th 2013

Words – 1036

Wipe My Tears! My New Book!




About The Book – Briefly!

What They Said!

• I read your article – it made me cry! I gave it to the wife – and she too cried with me! – Indian CEO.

• Real visionary and with great realistic foresight – American CEO.

• The article was a great eye-opener for me! – British CEO.

• Great experiences, ideas and thoughts! – Senior Public Official!

• My heart just broke out – and I cried out loud! – Omani Lady Fan

This is the Author’s 10th book – and book 6 in the Between Us Only! series. The book follows up on the success of the previous books and furthers the idea of private talks between friends on matters that many are too scared to touch!

Often times delving into sensitive critical topics that aren’t always sweet, this enlightening book uses a clear and elegant prose to explore social evils in the society as well as their light hearted counterparts.

Covering a variety of priceless topics, this wonderful collection of articles gives readers everywhere a glimpse into the issues that are prevalent in today’s society.

Although the book is based mainly on Oman and The GCC, many of the topics are of universal application and appeal – with the increasing lack of tolerance, radicalization and fundamentalism in society.

The book also carries many family, offices and human based articles that are applicable to us all – as bottom line we are the same human being in that same a person – with the same needs, wants and fears – devoid of race, religion, creed and color! Many of the articles are highly emotive and heart rendering – and that is the reason of adopting the title of Wipe My Tears!

Majid Al Suleimany has over twenty-five years of experience as a human resources specialist and over ten years of experience as a management and human resources consultant, expert, and advisor. For the past ten years, he has written weekly columns in The Oman Daily Observer, an English daily, which has led to five  published books based off of his columns. Al Suleimany has also published two other books on Arab management – http://www.myown-ebooks.com and one on Road Safety Awareness – http://www.bethesafedriver.com

Front Wipe My Tears


To Order Directly – http://www.createspace.com/4304972

My Other Books

The Sequel – Three – http://www.createspace.com/4153263

Short Takes 2 – http://www.createspace.com/4153269

Being The Safe Driver! Behind The Wheel! – http://www.createspace.com/4097374

The Arab Management Book that won The USA Golden Literary Excellency Award 2013

Psychology of Arab Management Thinking! http://www.trafford.com/08-0889

More details and information at my http://www.myownmajid.com


Majid Al Suleimany

Why You Should Buy My Sequel Books! Between Us Only! Series

Why You Should Buy My Sequel Books! Between Us Only! Series


Between Us Only! Short Takes – 2!

About The Book


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Back again for the next instalment in his critically acclaimed series, Majid Al Suleimany offers a new collection of articles that deal with the delicate matters that many are scared to touch. Adapted from his successful newspaper column in The Oman Daily Observer, the enlightening and educational articles of Between Us Only! Short Takes – Two! cover everything from human suffering and social trends to divorce and prejudice. Touching on some of the social evils prevalent in today’s society, this fantastic collection uses a mixture of witty observations and heavy blows to get its point across.

A labour of love filled with keen observations on twenty-first-century society, this insightful book carries priceless warnings, resentments, fears, and advice for readers everywhere.

The varied and honest new collection of articles cover a multitude of topics, from light-hearted and entertaining stories to serious topics based off of universal societal issues. Full of interesting and educational articles and stories, this wonderful book is a captivating experience, especially for readers familiar with Arab customs, traditions, heritages, and legacies.

A fantastic read for everyone from CEOs to students, Between Us Only! offers insightful and illuminating articles based off of a variety of topics that even apply to children, teenagers, and grandparents. Filled with varied topics that will entertain and inform readers of all backgrounds and walks of life, this eclectic collection will engross as it inspires and provides a wide range of knowledge on a multitude of important topics.

Developed from weekly columns Al Suleimany writes, Between Us Only! follows up on the success of the previous books in the series and furthers the idea of private talks between friends on matters that many are too scared to touch. Often times delving into topics that aren’t always sweet, this enlightening book uses a clear and elegant prose to explore social evils in society as well as their light hearted counterparts. Covering a variety of priceless topics, this wonderful collection of articles gives readers everywhere a glimpse into the issues that are prevalent in today’s society.

Majid Al Suleimany has over twenty-five years of experience as a human resources specialist and over ten years of experience as a management and human resources consultant, expert, and advisor. For the past eight years, he has written weekly columns in The Oman Daily Observer, an English daily, which has led to three published books based off of his columns. He has recently expanded to a new column, At the Workplace. Al Suleimany has also published two other books on Arab management – http://www.myown-ebooks.com.

Between Us Only! The Sequel – 3!

About The Book


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Between Us Only! The Sequel – Two! – has been adapted from Majid Al Suleimany’s successful newspaper columns in The Oman Daily Observer. Utilizing the very best touching emotional based stories and articles from the columns that he has penned over the past four years, Al Suleimany touches on a wide variety of vital and riveting topics. The subject matter will be of interest to everyone from teenagers to grandparents – and from the clerks to the CEOs.

Between Us Only! The Sequel – Two! – focuses on the study of humanity, human needs, human interaction, society, and economics, as well as other areas. In fact, the author covers all socio-economic-political aspects of society, with an emphasis on working environments such as office issues and aspects.

The author also addresses society as a whole, and the dire repercussions and consequences of bad ideas and thoughts that can be harmful to society in the broadest sense. Though many topics apply to Oman and GCC countries, the collection of columns organized by Al Suleimany offer a universal appeal because, in his view, society and family are quite similar.

According to the author, “We have the same needs, worries, concerns and fears—as well as what we like and do not like. This is because the human being is essentially the same—regardless of race, creed, religion, color, ancestry, and ethnicity!”

The book will encourage soul-searching, deep analysis, and a quest to make the world a better place. It has been penned directly from the heart of the author to the reader. It carries many emotional personal family stories and encounters – including work experiences as a highly-qualified human resources management consultant.

The book moves quickly, advancing without boundaries, and is careful never to get bogged down in politics. While critical, the writings are also realistic and practical, and stress the need in society for change in a way that will foster more patience, tolerance, and understanding.

Yet Between Us Only! The Sequel – Three! – is not without controversy. For readers who wish to study Arabic (and Islamic) approaches to the Middle East, the West, and other religions, the book makes excellent references relating to the post-September 11 world. The increases in religious fundamentalism and radicalization in society, and the fact that many youngsters are on board with these aspects, are also taken to task.

The author, through his writings, offers up a tome that is part prayer and part preaching, desperately hoping for a change in the world that will produce a new and more positive direction. “Live and let live in peace, harmony, and co-existence,” is Al Suleimany’s mantra.

Books available in Oman at Family Bookshops and WHSmith . Price OMR 12.

Best Wishes and Regards,

Majid Al Suleimany

Writing is a struggle against silence. Carlos Fuentes

The desire to write grows with writing. Desiderius Erasmus

Title: Between Us Only!: Short Takes – Two!



Title: Between Us Only!: Short Takes – Two!

 Author: Majid Al Suleimany

Publisher Create Space USA

BOOK 2 Cover

Book Cover

 Sentence Description

 Back again for the next installment in his critically-acclaimed series, Majid Al Suleimany offers a new collection of articles that deal with the delicate matters that many are scared to touch.

 Short Description

 Back again for the next installment in his critically acclaimed series, Majid Al Suleimany offers a new collection of articles that deal with the delicate matters that many are scared to touch. Adapted from his successful newspaper column in The Oman Daily Observer, the enlightening and educational articles of Between Us Only!: Short Takes – Two! cover everything from human suffering and social trends to divorce and prejudice. Touching on some of the social evils prevalent in today’s society, this fantastic collection uses a mixture of witty observations and heavy blows to get its point across. A labor of love filled with keen observations on twenty-first-century society, this insightful book carries priceless warnings, resentments, fears, and advice for readers everywhere.

 The varied and honest new collection of articles cover a multitude of topics, from lighthearted and entertaining stories to serious topics based off of universal societal issues. Full of interesting and educational articles and stories, this wonderful book is a captivating experience, especially for readers familiar with Arab customs, traditions, heritages, and legacies.

 Developed from weekly columns Al Suleimany writes, Between Us Only! follows up on the success of the previous books in the series and furthers the idea of private talks between friends on matters that many are too scared to touch. Often times delving into topics that aren’t always sweet, this enlightening book uses a clear and elegant prose to explore social evils in society as well as their lighthearted counterparts.

 Extended Description

 Back again for the next installment in his critically acclaimed series, Majid Al Suleimany offers a new collection of articles that deal with the delicate matters that many are scared to touch. Adapted from his successful newspaper column in The Oman Daily Observer, the enlightening and educational articles of Between Us Only!: Short Takes – Two! cover everything from human suffering and social trends to divorce and prejudice. Touching on some of the social evils prevalent in today’s society, this fantastic collection uses a mixture of witty observations and heavy blows to get its point across. A labor of love filled with keen observations on twenty-first-century society, this insightful book carries priceless warnings, resentments, fears, and advice for readers everywhere.

 The varied and honest new collection of articles cover a multitude of topics, from lighthearted and entertaining stories to serious topics based off of universal societal issues. Full of interesting and educational articles and stories, this wonderful book is a captivating experience, especially for readers familiar with Arab customs, traditions, heritages, and legacies.

 A fantastic read for everyone from CEOs to students, Between Us Only! offers insightful and illuminating articles based off of a variety of topics that even apply to children, teenagers, and grandparents. Filled with varied topics that will entertain and inform readers of all backgrounds and walks of life, this eclectic collection will engross as it inspires and provides a wide range of knowledge on a multitude of important topics.

 Developed from weekly columns Al Suleimany writes, Between Us Only! follows up on the success of the previous books in the series and furthers the idea of private talks between friends on matters that many are too scared to touch. Often times delving into topics that aren’t always sweet, this enlightening book uses a clear and elegant prose to explore social evils in society as well as their lighthearted counterparts. Covering a variety of priceless topics, this wonderful collection of articles gives readers everywhere a glimpse into the issues that are prevalent in today’s society.

 Majid Al Suleimany has over twenty-five years of experience as a human resources specialist and over ten years of experience as a management and human resources consultant, expert, and advisor. For the past eight years, he has written weekly columns in The Oman Daily Observer, an English daily, which has led to three published books based off of his columns. He has recently expanded to a new column, At the Workplace. Al Suleimany has also published two other books on Arab management – www.myown-ebooks.com .

 Back Cover Text

 Back again for the next installment in his critically acclaimed series, Majid Al Suleimany offers a new collection of articles that deal with the delicate matters that many are scared to touch. Adapted from his successful newspaper column in The Oman Daily Observer, these enlightening and educational articles cover everything from human suffering and social trends to divorce and prejudice. Touching on some of the social evils prevalent in today’s society, this fantastic collection uses a mixture of witty observations and heavy blows to get its point across. A labor of love filled with keen observations on twenty-first-century society, this insightful book carries priceless warnings, resentments, fears, and advice for readers everywhere.

 Al Suleimany has over twenty-five years of experience as a human resources specialist and over ten years of experience as a management and human resources consultant, expert, and advisor. For the past eight years, he has written weekly columns in The Oman Daily Observer, an English daily, which has led to three published books based off of his columns. He has recently expanded to a new column entitled, At the Workplace. Al Suleimany has also published two other books on Arab management. He began writing at age fourteen and has since developed a new approach that he feels is “direct from the heart.” Al Suleimany holds a master’s in international management. For more information on him, please visit www.myown-ebooks.com and www.majidbooks.com.

 Author Biography

 Majid Al Suleimany has over twenty-five years of experience as a human resources specialist and over ten years of experience as a management and human resources consultant, expert, and advisor. For the past eight years, he has written weekly columns in The Oman Daily Observer, an English daily, which has led to three published books based off of his columns. He has recently expanded to a new column entitled, At the Workplace.

 Al Suleimany has also published two other books on Arab management. He began writing at age fourteen and has since developed a new approach that he feels is “direct from the heart.” Al Suleimany holds a master’s in international management. He is married and has three daughters and a son. For more information on him, please visit www.myown-ebooks.com and www.majidbooks.com.

 First Person Author Biography

 I have over twenty-five years of experience as a human resources specialist and over ten years of experience as a management and human resources consultant, expert, and advisor. For the past eight years, I have written weekly columns in The Oman Daily Observer, an English daily, which has led to three published books based off of my columns. I have recently expanded to a new column entitled, At the Workplace.

 I have also published two other books on Arab management. I began writing at age fourteen and have since developed a new approach that I feel is “direct from the heart.” I hold a master’s in international management. I am married and have three daughters and a son. For more information, please visit www.myown-ebooks.com and www.majidbooks.com.

 First Person Author Biography

 I am a weekly columnist with The Oman Daily Observer and with a master’s in international management.

Writing is Not a Dirty Word!



A - A Cry For Help! (2)2 - Psychology Front Cover

The Two Arab Management BookS

Majid New

Images – The Author and Two Arab Management Books

Writing Is Not A Dirty Word!

By Majid Al Suleimany

January 18, 2013

 Some years ago, I was working in this Chinese Company and I gave my first book Between Us Only! as a complimentary gift to this European Finance Manager who joined after me! He came from Tanzania branch of the same company. In the book there was an article titled Are You Afraid? It was about magic and witchcraft in East Africa.

One day earlier we had got talking about Tanzania and the subject had cropped up – and in good faith I had thought of giving him the book! A few days later I asked him if he had read the article – but he said that he had not! This person had taken a lot of pride of how he got rid of a Tanzanian local who was the Finance Director before him – and wanted to have an added plus of including an Omani in his list tick off too! Which he successfully did – by telling everyone in Management that Majid had written a book that was critical and radical of The West! That was his outlook and prerogative – and he was free to think like what he wanted to!

The same outlook was outlandishly made by some crude Western Expatriates in my previous USA run company. And that comes to the main point to be made here – The Westerners believe in freedom and democracy only if you are in their camp – and are in support of their views and in outlooks! Thus creating my two books in Arab Management – Psychology of Arab Management Thinking and A Cry For Help! – please see my books website www.myown-ebooks.com and www.majidbooks.com

They do not want you to support Palestinians or The Arab cause. Even if you are Arab – or Muslim! Shut up – Keep Quiet – and Sit In the Corner! Do not write topics like No More Wars please! Or Lift The Gaza Blockage! Or write anything against Israel. Did you notice that the Israeli Jews can criticize their own government – but the American supporters and Jews do not allow you this? This is how my two sequel books Between Us Only! had run into publishing problems in USA! In the end they had agreed to refund my monies paid – because they simply did not want association with my books!

Makes the whole exercise of their preaching others for democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of expression is shallow and hollow – because they do not allow it in their country to outsiders – and though they are outsiders here in Oman – they want the same for the locals to ‘fall down and play dead’ after the command – when you misbehave! That is why they hate The Arab Spring Uprisings – because it works against them! And Israel especially! Because they can no longer control, dominate and subjugate others – by using the puppets under their control and domination. That goes down to an individual level – and Writers, Authors and Columnists like us are special targeted for writing on THE TRUTH ONLY!

But this issue does not only extend to expatriates in our midst – but even locals too! In one interview on so-called VP HR was making great fun, joke and mirth about my writings – and my books and websites! Yet I was there not for a job in his Company – but more as a Consultant in HR! Nothing to do as me as in writing – which is not profession linked – as writing being just my hobby, interests and passion!

A great lady fan of mine – who had died in a nasty road accident had said to me that people are simply jealous and envious of you – because they know you have the knack and the expertise of writing – and they cannot – even if they dearly wished for this. Mr. M – you have not lost – you have won!

The same thing was said to me by two other lady fans – and several gents too – all local!

There was also this Indian HR guy – who first of all is not supposed to be in that position as is reserved for Omanis – who behaved just like The Western Finance Manager in a meeting with the local GM of a company I was doing some HR Project with. He thought he was cracking a great joke in the meeting – and so was a German guy who pretended to be a friend – whilst all the time feeding poison to this same GM. In the end my contract was reduced time period wise – but I quit and left within half an hour of getting the new contract – remained unsigned – and resignation instead!

That is how the cookie crumbles. I really urge you to read my two Arab Management books above.

In summary and in conclusion – writing is not a dirty word! If you cannot write – do not try to belittle and marginalise those that can!

By Majid Al Suleimany

January 18th 2013.




The Nemesis! It Is So Sad!

Between Us Only!

The Nemesis!

These two weeks there were these news – apart from the usual ones in the Arab World of Egypt and Syria as main – of the death of Jacintha Saldanha – the Indian nurse subject of a prank Australian Radio Show by two Greig and Christian.

The other was the massacre of 20 lost-lives innocent children below the age of 10 by one crazed Adam Lanza. This happened in Sandy Hawk Elementary School in Newtown – Connecticut. At one time Newtown was considered as the 5th most peaceful state in USA! Even the USA President Barack Hussein Obama was emotional close to tears in his speech!

This week I was also very much disturbed, annoyed and perturbed by the USA Publishing Company not publishing my books – already paid for in full – because of the question of Images – though I had explained clearly to their Vice President Operations Lady with a signed document explaining the sources of my images. The books were fully paid for since July 2012 – but it has dragged on to date – one excuse after the other – in the end to decide either they publish my books – or refund me in full.

It should be stressed that they had published my earlier books – including The Arab Management books – please see www.myown-ebooks.com. I guess they are reluctant to publish the books is because of the articles inside the book – Between Us Only! Series – and some of the subjects could be sensitive to them – or they are just being protective of their own kind. Some of the subjects?

  • Rising Islamophobia – Live and Let Live!
  • The Arabs Will Never Learn!
  • No More Wars – Please!
  • Stop The Gaza Blockade!
  • The Jewish Diaspora!
  • We Need To Speak Out!
  • You Reap What You Sow!
  • A Question of Loyalty!
  • What Goes Around; Comes Around!

That is the only reason I can gather for their reluctance is for the above. Depending on how much they will refund – or change their minds in publishing the books – further action will depend on all the above only!

And of course, denying the voice to the other side. Being a Muslim and an Arab. That is how bad things are now in USA – they have lost their self respects and conscience – lost the old USA that protected the rights and freedom of others! Great shame!

One of the books was on Road Safety – the Novel type – carrying real true stories of Accident victims and their impact on their lives now – and with the increasing road accidents and fatalities especially in Oman GCC now! How can one even stop this book to be published? It smacks of open hatred, animosity – and racialism only!

Anyway, I was keen to write more on the poor massacred children – as children are children – devoid of race, creed, colour or nationality. We have seen poor Gazan children massacred in their homes by Israeli bombardments and air force strikes – just as we have seen so many others ‘collateral damages’ in other parts of the world!

I have also read about this visit from The USA Assistant Secretary of State – Beth Jones – with the title Oman a partner in global fight against terror and the very nice words she had to say about Oman in general!

Being that upset and annoyed – I will concentrate for today on the death of poor Nurse Jacintha Saldanha – with due respects and apologies here!


In my career life, I have worked with many Western bosses and peers. I always made a point that as soon as the main meal is served (and sweets!) – I make it a point to leave as soon as I can – especially when it is not only me from the family at the party – because this is usually followed by teases, jokes and pranks – some to unimaginable and intrusive personal levels! Of course the usual excuse is the free drinks being served!

To the extent that the next day they would come in – a bit better off – but still not sober – to apologise – if I had upset and or annoyed you in any way in that party! The people that usually get a special battering and treatment are those like us that are teetotalers – and not smokers!

Of course the belief was also – if you joined the fun and melee – the more chances were there for your promotion and advancement! And if you cannot beat them – join them syndromes! And if you have a Porsche, Mercedes or BMW as your car fancy – and or can play golf – the better still!

With due respects here! Not all of them were like that – there were many also that respected and esteemed local customs, traditions, heritage and culture. In one of the incidents that I will never ever forget in my life was this top CEO in the International Company who did not take offence – but actually joined in – when one of the senior Omanis (by age that is!) started using his hands to eat with us at the table!

I was trying to tactfully counsel him to use the spoon at least – but the good man got what I was trying to say – and told me – ‘let him enjoy his meal – you know what – I will join in! And though in the end the man came a hero – and a very wise leader – and not only as a the usual manager – that is asked to come in and intervene – but ends up supporting his own staff – and against a customer! Because the customer is an outsider!

Now you may well be asking me why I take the long road to come to the point – and what has Company parties have got to do with the earlier part of my column? If you know me – and the way I write – and straight from the hip – or the heart – depending on whom I am addressing here! With tongue in cheek speaking!

Do not forget I am a very angry and pissed off person still. People do not realise how attached we Writers are to our works – and how a Writer feels when his (her) books are marginalised and sidelined – and how traumatic, painful and emotional that can be! So please bear with me!

The point I want to make is that there are some people that always feel they can do whatever they want to do with others – and they are self-appointed on higher levels and echelons. This goes across the divide between locals and expatriates – guests and the invited – to the hosts too!

True we all enjoy fun, mirth and humour – which human being does not – in the real sense of the word? But sometimes doing pranks against or at the expense of others can be tolerated if one comes out finally and apologises it was a joke, tease and prank – immediately after – and not let the person feel so small and insignificant – so belittled and so insulted – that the poor person even decides to end his or her life – by committing suicide!

I must also admit and say this thing too – because we do not know how long we shall live in this world. Yesterday my cousin of 30 years old had died in Tanzania – after only a cold and flu! He did not recover – got high temperature – his treatment was bungled – and soon went into a coma – and death!

I must admit I have had many differences with peoples – sometimes I become very emotional and upset – and the worst thing I do is put my feelings on paper – and for some not open and objective people – that is like pouring fuel over fire – because they simply will not take that in! But find me a perfect person in this world – I would like to meet him (or her!) – And you too!

Only Our Lord and Our Creator is Perfect – no one else is!

Take Care!

By Majid Al Suleimany

P.S. I am not going to put any images today – that is how upset I am today

Time To Quit Is Now!

Majid Al Suleimany

Time To Quit Is Now!

Giving Up – Now!

  • · Writing is the only profession where no one considers you ridiculous if you earn no money – Jules Renard

I must admit that I am a sick person suffering from being an acute diabetic case and with eyes problems – cataract and glaucoma too. I also suffer from complications of so many other cases.

I had tried hard to send my books as gifts and compliments to Top VIPs and High Profile peoples – and hardly any thanks – with the exception of a few expatriate CEOs only.

Despite designing a Road Safety Website – www.bethesafedriver.com and writing a book on Road Safety Novel Type based on true life stories for others to know and learn from – nothing much has changed in being recognised and in acceptance!

Despite two Arab Management books – Psychology of Arab Management Thinking! And A Cry For Help! – even if you go to books worldwide you will find them being shown – at home nothing has changed much!

Only peoples’ concentrations are what I write in my columns – and why people would still prefer for the dirt to be pushed under the carpet – and me to shut up my mouth – not to open it – and speak!

So today – Saturday – December 8th 2012 – I am – finally – Giving Up!

We have all seen these Great Bands that had made to the top – and stayed there for quite awhile – and then they decided to disband! We have seen similar about dramas and soap operas – like Friends, Seinfield etc doing the same. Even stars like Oprah Winfrey etc.

The reason they give is the same. When you are on top – that is the time to quit – not earlier – not later! Quit whilst you have still made it – and quit where there is still some head room!

As fans that know me well I stumbled into writing more as a hobby and passion. I had never ever planned and or imagined to make a career in it. And a person who wants to make a career in writing should well know – do not depend on it for a living – otherwise you will starve to death. The story of Moawiyya Nur – the sad tragic Sudanese boy (journalist) who starved to death in trying to make a career in writing in downturn Cairo in the 1950s will well confirm and authencicate!

If I had been successful in my consultancy business and or in my career – it is most likely that I would not have gone into writing.

Today I have published 8 books – all the details are in my websites – www.myown-ebooks.com and www.majidbooks.com and www.bethesafedriver.com

2 books are in Arab Management – 1 Road Safety – and 5 in my column writings The Oman Daily Observer – Between Us Only! – At My Workplace! And Society Speaks! (KOM).

Lately I have felt strong vibes and feelings to quit. I feel it in me to stop writing. Besides saying all that I had wanted to say – nobody cares or feels what I write or say. I am just banging my head against brick walls – getting it swollen and red – and bleeding too.

Nobody appreciates or recognises what I do – anyway! Wasted time, efforts and energies – and just wasted loyalties and feelings too.

I am also not happy how my columns are being treated. Sometimes I am told we did not receive it – though copied to my addresses (and others) confirm as received. I do not know which are my days anymore.

It was supposed to be every Sunday and Wednesdays – but now are so irregular that I am myself confused!

There is an East African saying that goes like this – one does not have to tell you to go if you are a guest – the telltale signals are enough for you to know it is time that you left! Leave yourself!

I really had tried… hard!

Wishing you all the very best – and with sincere and genuine apologies –

Citizen – Majid bin Said bin Nasser Al Suleimany

Muscat – Sultanate of Oman – OM – December 8th 2012.